The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Got involved with a project as part of my thesis that involved me with a hospital and have worked in healthcare for most of the time since left PS. Have lived most of my life after PS in TN and NC. Great part of the country for sure. Am married (in 2009 will be 35 years, she is a saint I am thinking) with 3 daughters. Oldest has 3 children, 2 sons and 1 girl. So am enjoying being a granddad. Not too sure I am ready for it, but no choice. The other two daughters are single for now and doing their thing. While living in the Mid South/Atlantic area most of time after PS, my travels have taken me cross country, into Canada, down to the Caribbean, none overseas. Learned during my working life that PS was a great school and was the beginning of another phase of life. Still follow some football and old Joe.